Post by Andy AngererPost by F. W.Deshalb höre ich immer noch Pete Townshend und
R. Kelly. Nur weil der
Künstler möglicherweise ein Strolch ist, muss die Kunst
nicht schlecht sein.
Dito; auch ich höre gern "Stranglehold" von Ted Nugent,
auch wenn der Typ noch so ein Mega-Arschloch ist.
Aber was ist verkehrt an Pete Townshend?
| Townshend accepted a caution from the Metropolitan Police
| (the Met) as part of Operation Ore, a major investigation on
| child sexual abuse images conducted in 2002–2003. The Met
| stated that "it was established that Mr. Townshend was not
| in possession of any downloaded child abuse images". Town-
| shend was on a sex offenders register for five years, begin-
| ning in 2003, after admitting he had used his credit card to
| access a child sexual abuse images website. Townshend said
| he accessed the images as research in a campaign against
| child sexual abuse—specifically, to prove that British banks
| were complicit in channelling the profits from paedophile
| rings. Authorities could not prove that the website ac-
| cessed by Townshend involved children, and no incriminating
| evidence was found on his personal computer.